

Learn CityEngine

Unlocking the Power of ArcGIS CityEngine: A Comprehensive guide for anyone interested in 3D urban modelling using ArcGIS CityEngine

What our clients Say

“Elliot knows all the tricks and how to manipulate CityEngine”

Jeremy Murfitt

MD of Everything is Somewhere

  • CityEngine 0: What, why, where?

    This initial introductory session is essential, what is CityEngine, what can it do? What are its use cases?

  • CityEngine 1: for Beginners

    This is an introductory course for those interested in learning the basics of ArcGIS CityEngine. Interface and basic CGA coding will be covered

  • CityEngine 2: Workflows

    How can you get your 3D data into Twinmotion from CityEngine workflows, tips, and tricks.

  • Introductions

    A quick introduction to GD3D and your course instructor. Plus some information about our courses

  • Twinmotion 1: A simple project

    This course will take you step-by-step through a simple Twinmotion project from a blank scene to a nicely rendered scene including export possibilities.