The idea of CEPT is to provide a reasonably user-friendly interface for any custom Jython script you want. You 100% are required to have the core CEPT interface script, but not all the plugins. Each user may have a completely different set of scripts that work for them. The idea is really to allow each user to have tools that are important to them.

If you make your own you can easily add it to the CEPT interface (button or menu) provided you follow the framework provided here (instructions provided below). We’d love you to share (free or paid) these scripts for others to use, but crucially you don’t have to.
For the toolbar
Separate shapes
Union shapes
Make Model and static Shape
Quick apply rulefile (you can set this to your favourite rule, perhaps make additional buttons for rules)
Display Python Console
Display CGA Console
Display Dashboard
Display Inspector
Update Seed and Generate (same as Control-Shift-G)
Toggle on and off certain display settings in the 3D View: grid/information display bar/compass initially
Create Test Grid
Create Graph From Selected Polygons Vertices
Create Graph From Selected Polygons Locations
Centre Shape Group
Centre All Shapes
Duplicate File
Clear Selection
Selection Tree View
Zoom around Selection
Select where not default start rule
Select by Start Rule
Select All Shapes
Select All Visible Shapes
Select All Blocks
Select All Nodes
Select All Street Segments
Setup Selection Layer Attributes
Select and Apply CGA
Rename Shapes
Reset Start Rules
Create Bookmarks from Shapes
Bookmark to Shape
Export Bookmark to ArcGISPro
Apply Typology and Rule
Apply Rule to Streets
Street Typology Tool
Make Extent from Terrains
Bookmarks to Paper
Export to FBX (offset)
Shape Locations to CSV
Export Reports to CSV
Material Library Maker
Rule Applier Tree
Time Slider
Clear CGA Console
Clear PY Console
Colour Picker RGB
Colour Library